Hexagon’s online training offer


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Hexagon is keen for residents to access as many learning opportunities as possible to help progress their career and learn about things of interest to them.

Hexagon has paid Staff Skills Academy to ensure residents can access over 690 courses for FREE,  in a wide variety of subjects until 23 August, 2025. We can offer 36 more residents access to these courses. Click here to browse the courses available.

We can also offer access to a Wellbeing Hub providing a range of video courses around stress and anxiety, sleep, loneliness, relaxation, balance, focus and energy. Also, over 55 on demand online fitness classes.

Hexagon resident, Julie, shares her experience of continuing her learning on the online platform.

Why have you decided to continue your learning?

To help with my progression, gain new skills and open new opportunities going forward.

What courses have you completed?

Mental Health First Aid, Bipolar Awareness, Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness and Create an Online business. Many people in my life have mental health problems and it helps me better understand them. The skills I’m learning for creating my online business are invaluable and something I can use to get an income.

How have you found our online learning platform?

It’s easy to navigate, has a wide variety of courses, online help and contact details if you need more help. I’m grateful to Hexagon for providing these courses.

What’s your advice for anyone considering doing a course?

I would recommend this learning opportunity. It’s a journey worth taking and I wish you every success.

Email Us if you’d like to do a course.