Supporting Residents through Universal Credit Migration

All residents under pension credit age and in receipt of housing benefit (HB) will need to move onto Universal Credit (UC) between now and end of December 2025 in a process called Managed Migration. The DWP is writing to ensure HB claimants make a claim for UC. This letter is called a ‘migration notice’ and will be sent by post.

On receipt of a Managed Migration Notice HB claimants need to start their migration process within three months of the date of the notice, and before the stipulated deadline day.

The DWP will send HB claimants reminder notices to remind them to make a UC claim by the deadline day. You will receive 2 weeks of extra HB payments if you claim within the deadline date.  However, you will lose these payments if you fail to make a claim for UC before the migration day deadline date in the migration notice.

HB recipients should not do anything until they receive their Managed Migration Notice. You may lose money if you claim Universal Credit too early. You  can check yourself if you’re better or worse off on UC by using a Better off Calculator 

You will not be moved onto UC automatically, so it’s essential to follow the instructions in your migration notice. Otherwise, your benefits will stop.

The DWP expects UC claims to be made online and the migration notice explains how the process works. However, telephone claims can be made in exceptional circumstances.

For Help with your claim

Call the free UC helpline on 0800 328 5644 Or  Call Help to Claim on 0800 144 8444

What We are Doing

We’re completing a very quick questionnaire with residents on HB. These questions will help us find which residents need support and the best ways to help them.

Our Money Support Team are also on hand to help with any problems that you experience because of moving over to UC.  Contact us on 020 8778 6699 or moneysupport