Managed Migration to Universal Credit

Managed migration is the process claimants who are receiving means tested benefits and tax credits are told to move to Universal Credit instead. This is called ‘Managed Migration’. As part of the managed migration process, the Department of Work & Pensions (DWP) is writing to people to invite them to claim Universal Credit. This letter is called a ‘migration notice’. These notices will be issued in stages depending on what type of legacy benefit you receive.  The DWP started issuing migration notices from 09 April 2024.

I have received a migration notice. What should I do? 

If you have received a migration notice do not ignore it. You must claim Universal Credit within 3 months from the date of the letter.  Your legacy benefits will be stopped after this date.

If you claim Universal Credit before the deadline, the DWP may pay you extra if you are worse off after the move. This is called ‘transitional protection’. This means if you get less Universal Credit than under your old benefits you will get an extra amount to make up the difference. If you do not apply by the deadline, you may lose any transitional protection.

If your letter doesn’t have a deadline, you don’t have to claim Universal Credit unless you want to – even if the letter says you’ll have to claim Universal Credit in future.

If you can’t claim by the migration deadline?

If the deadline hasn’t passed yet, you can ask the DWP to extend it. You can only ask for this before the original deadline in the letter. If the DWP agree, they’ll send you a new deadline.

How do I make a claim for Universal Credit?

If you have received a migration notice you must apply for Universal Credit online at  within 3 months. Most people make their Universal Credit claim online. It can take an hour or more to apply if you’re doing it online. Having the right documents to apply will make the application quicker.

If you are not able to apply online, the ‘Help to claim’ service: at can help you to apply.

You can also contact the Universal Credit helpline: Telephone: 0800 328 5644

How can Hexagon help?

  • We are contacting residents on housing benefit with special focus on vulnerable and older residents to encourage and support them to migrate to Universal Credit within their migration period.
  • We are promoting Money Support resources available for residents to access.
  • When you are moving to Universal Credit or considering making a benefit claim, the Money Support team can offer advice and support.
  • We can help residents make a claim and put plans in place to stay on top of their rent and service charge payments.

Our team will:

  • make one-to-one appointments for more in-depth advice if you need it.
  • help with budgeting advice to stay on top of your bills and rent payments.
  • check benefits and do a ‘better off’ calculation to ensure that you are not missing out of benefits.

You can email the Money Support Team directly at if you are confused or worried about what managed migration will mean for and your family.

Further information






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