Getting to know you questionnaire

Thank you for confirming you would like to share your details with Hexagon Housing Association.

The purpose of this questionnaire is to get to know you and the people that live with you, so that we can make sure our services meet your needs where possible and you are getting the most out of your tenancy with us. 

Full name

or, if completing on behalf of a customer

Your contact details

This information may be used to contact you regarding tailored services relating to your tenancy.

Customer 1

Customer 2

Your Ethnicity

Knowing this helps us to check that our services are delivered fairly.
If you don’t identify with any of these groups please put in your own words
NB. We have used the same ethnicity groups as used by the Office for National Statistics

Your Sexual Identity

Knowing this helps us be more aware of any potential hate crime and makes sure our services are delivered fairly.
NB. We have used the same sexual identity classifications as the Office for National Statistics

Your health

This information will help us to tailor services to your needs, for example, prioritising repairs.

Disability or long term ill health:

Mental health:

Other comments:

Communicating with you – reading and writing

Knowing this helps us to understand how best to communicate with you and tailor communication to your needs.

My preferred language is :

Communicating with you – the internet and social media

Knowing this helps us to understand how you access services and ensure we provide the right channels or support for you to contact us.

Do you use the internet?

For example online shopping, social media (Facebook), internet banking.

If no, please tell us why from the following reasons:

Your employment

Knowing this helps us to understand your circumstances and therefore provide you with financial and employment support if needed.

Others living in your household

Any information provided below must be with the consent of the household member if they are over the age of 13.

By completing this part of the form, you confirm you have obtained their consent and understand how their information may be used.

Member 1

Member 2

Member 3

Member 4