Volunteer Recognition Event 2024

Recognition Event

The Volunteers’ Recognition Event took place this March where we had a good knees up and to say a big thank you to everyone who gives up precious time to help make a positive difference for all residents. It was a lovely evening filled with food, fun and new connections – the energy it brought was tangible and the room was buzzing!

The evening celebrated successes and achievements, as well as reflecting on performance and looking ahead. Involved residents spoke of the difference made through getting involved, the personal benefits and the support received. Andy Vincent, Operations Director highlighted the how involving residents provides an essential insight and constructive dialogue to help drive up performance.

Moving forward, we want to build on this event, and make Recognition 2025 even better. We want to explore the idea of including a review of the year just gone and a look ahead to the next year, collaborating with involved residents on the engagement priorities for the year ahead.  2024/25 is about impact, its about making sure what we do makes a difference, driving up performance and resident satisfaction along the way.

Thank you to all and we’re looking forward to the next time we all get to meet up again!

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