
Hexagon aims to provide a good service. However, when things go wrong, we want you to make a complaint so that we have an opportunity to investigate, learn, and to put right any wrongs.

A complaint can be made to any Hexagon staff member. It can be made by: 

  • Telephone: 02087786699 or freephone on 0800393338. 
  • Email: 
  • Letter: Complaints Team, Hexagon Housing Association, 130-136
    Sydenham Road, Sydenham, London, SE26 5JY 
  • verbally in person
  • via your MyHexagon account

Our complaints process aims to enable you to be heard and understood. You will be
given a fair chance to set out your position and comment on any adverse findings
before a final decision is made. Where your complaint is upheld we will take action to
put things right. This may include: 

  • Acknowledging where things have gone wrong 
  • Providing an explanation, assistance, or reasons 
  • Apologising 
  • Taking action if there has been a delay 
  • Reconsidering or changing a decision
  • Amending a record 
  • Providing a financial remedy 
  • Changing policies, procedures or practices 

Any remedy offered will reflect the extent of any service failures and the level of
detriment caused to you as a result. We will also look beyond the circumstances of the individual complaint and consider whether anything needs to be put right in terms of process or systems to the benefit of all residents. 

The Complaints process has two stages. If you are not satisfied with the resolution
at Stage 1, you can escalate it to Stage 2. If you are unsatisfied with our final
response at Stage 2, you can take your complaint to the Housing Ombudsman. 

We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days of receiving it, our Complaints team will investigate your complaint, and we will give you with our Stage 1 response within 10 working days. If you are not satisfied with our response, you have 30 calendar days to escalate your complaint to Stage 2. 

We will acknowledge your Stage 2 escalation within 5 working days of receipt. Stage 2 is not another investigation, it is a review of how your complaint was handled at Stage 1 by a Director. We will give you our Stage 2 response within 20 working days.

Download our Complaints Policy for the full details. You can also read our Self-Assessment against the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaints Handling Code, our 2023-2024 Annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report, and our Compensation Policy

Hexagon wants you to have your views heard and for our staff to be able
to do their jobs effectively. To achieve this, Hexagon occasionally needs to
manage the demands put on our service by those who behave
in an unacceptable manner. You can read our Managing Unacceptable Behaviour from Complainants Policy for the full details. 

When any of our customers have been through the complaints process they can ask that the complaint is reviewed by the Housing Ombudsman service. For example, we published here two complaints that have been reviewed by the Housing Ombudsman and our response to the Ombudsman’s findings on these cases.

You can seek advice and guidance from the Housing Ombudsman service at any stage of your complaint.

If you would like someone else to advocate on your behalf, you can also give your consent for Hexagon to liaise with them in relation to your complaint. To  do this, you will need to complete the Third Party Consent Form found here and return it to: