If you are employed may receive sick pay from their employer for a period of time. If this is not the case (or the period runs out and you still need to self-isolate), then you can apply for Statutory Sick Pay (SSP). This is now paid from day 1 of illness, and an isolation note available from NHS 111 is sufficient evidence to claim this.
If you are not on full pay, your reduced income might mean you are entitled to benefits. To see if you are eligible, you can use a benefit calculator such as the one at https://www.betteroffcalculator.co.uk/free (this is actually a basic version of the calculator our own teams use, and others are available as well). Alternatively (or if you would like some more help or information having run a calculation), you can contact our financial inclusion team on 0208 768 7925 or by email at Jherbert@hexagon.org.uk .Although it might take a bit longer than usual to respond to queries, we are still here to help
If you are self-employed, you will usually not have an entitlement to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP). You will instead need to claim support via the benefit system. To get an idea of what you might be entitled to, you can use a benefit calculator such as the one at https://www.betteroffcalculator.co.uk/free (this is actually a basic version of the calculator our own teams use, and others are available as well). Alternatively (or if you would like some help after you run a calculation), you can contact our financial inclusion team on 0208 768 7925 or by email at Jherbert@hexagon.org.uk .Although it might take a bit longer than usual to respond to queries, we are still here to help.
There is a significant temporary change being made to benefit rules from 6th April, that will enable you to make a claim for benefit based on your reduced current income. This means that many self-employed people who couldn’t previously get help from the benefits system will now be able to