Activities for Older People

There is a range of free activity available to help you stay connected to your community and keep active.


Age UK Lewisham and Southwark’s busy calendar of activities and events in Southwark. Services include advice, handyperson and food delivery.

Blackfriars Settlement  is a service that offers activities and clubs for everyone over the age of 60. There is a £10.00 yearly fee per person.


Age UK Lewisham and Southwark provide a number of services in Lewisham.

Ageing Well in Lewisham run weekly activities such as lunch and bingo

. It encourages over 60s to live fuller, more connected lives through programmes. that foster friendship and creativity. They are dedicated to helping older Lewisham residents feel connected to their community.

Club Lewisham is a programme for the older members of the community to help them to stay active and meet new people. It is available for all Lewisham residents who are aged 60+ and is run at each of the five leisure centres in the borough.

Sessions offer both activity and social sessions designed to keep you fit and active whilst providing a great opportunity to socialise with new and old friends.


Age UK Bromley and Greenwich offers a wide range of activities and events.

The Greenwich Community Directory is another useful source of services, activities and advice.

Listening Ears runs Feel Good centres for older people in Greenwich and Bexley wh

ich are free to join, offer health checks, lunch, day trips, gentle workouts, massage therapy and the opportunity to meet new people.


Age UK Bexley offers a wide range of activities and events – from Men in Sheds to Tai Chi to Befriending Cafes.

Evergreen Care UK (formerly Evergreen Care Bexley) believe that simple committed friendships can reduce and prevent the isolation experienced by those who may not have family close by or friends or neighbours for mutual support.

Evergreen’s Befriending Service is a free confidential service supporting senior citizens, offering weekly befriending visits encourage clients to make the most of their life experience into old age.

For more information you can all their office on 01322 431765 or fill out their online form


South Croydon Day Centre for the Retired  is an independent Day Centre for the elderly of South Croydon and the surrounding area, which provides company, a balanced hot meal at a very reasonable cost and a range of stimulating activities in a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

The Centre is open on Mondays and Thursdays of each week from 10am to 4pm. Call 020 8681 7948 and leave a message.

Simply Connect Croydon can connect you with activities for the over-50’s in the borough. These social groups offer everything from singing to quizzes and just chatting.


Bromley Well provides Community Befriending to help you get out and about, meet others, socialise and make make new friends:

  • One to one home visits
  • Telephone befriending
  • Helping you get out and about on walks and helping with light shopping
  • Access to regular Community Hubs to socialise, make friends and take part in fun activities
  • Access to a walking group on the first Tuesday of every month in Beckenham
  • Access to a bi monthly exercise class