While the focus around Coronavirus has quite rightly been around the impact on public health, an important secondary impact of the current situation has been the impact on people’s money. Many people have suddenly found themselves facing an unexpected drop in income, and that in turn is leaving many people worried about their income, and how they are going to manage financially.
The information in this section is designed to give you some information to help you if you have been affected financially by the impact of the Coronavirus outbreak. The various links below provide some suggestions as to what you can do if any of the circumstances described apply to you.
Please be aware that the situation around how Coronavirus affects people’s money is fast moving, and much remains uncertain. As such, the information provided here represents our best understanding of the position as at 25th March. The complexities of people’s individual circumstances also mean that we cannot cover every individual’s circumstances in a general feature such as this.
With the above in mind, please always satisfy yourself that any action or decision is in your best interest before proceeding. If in any doubt, seek advice based on your own individual circumstances.
[Select the image that best describes you and your circumstances to access more information].