Diversity Training Event

Last month, Hexagon hosted a training event for all of our key partners who provide services for the Responsive Repairs, Stock Improvement, Property Safety and Development departments.

The event was held at the Bromley Court Hotel in South East London.

The aim of the event was to share the latest good practice in meeting the requirements of the Equality Act 2010, but also to share with partners Hexagon’s expectations when it comes to recruitment and supporting staff and delivering good services to our residents.

Our Equality and Diversity Policy and Single Equalities Scheme set out our strong commitment in this area.

This was the fourth event of its’ kind that we have hosted, and the day was well attended by circa 25 partner representatives and 10 Hexagon staff.

The day started with Jo Root from Mary Gober engaging everyone on what it means to deliver services with a real focus on ‘Customers at the Heart’ as part of our new CARE model.  The Equality and Diversity session was led by Jordana Ramalho, who used a variety of activities to get us talking about our experiences and moving about whilst testing our knowledge and reminding us about key legislation around Equality.

Peter O’Neil from Neighbourhoods, delivered a session on Safeguarding, which informed our partners of practical measures they could take to help us respond to concerns about residents safety as well as tackling anti-social behaviour. Martyne Callender from the Community Investment team ended the day on a real high, by sharing information about the work of the team, which gave an insight into the positive impact we have on residents’ lives, and informed our partners about the different opportunities they could offer to our residents, but equally how our residents can help them, e.g. filling staffing shortfalls, which is a real challenge within the building industry currently.

It was a really positive day with a high level of engagement from staff and partners alike, and the sun did not let us down!

A big thanks goes out to all our Partners for their support on the day.

Kerry Heath
Development & Sales Director

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