Join our Board?

Hexagon is governed by a Board that oversees the running of the Association and a number of places on the Board are reserved for residents who can add a perspective to board decisions, informed by living in social housing.

We are seeking a new board member to join the Board as one of our current members who is a resident, is stepping down in September after serving the maximum term allowed.

The Chair of Hexagon’s Board, Simon Fanshawe says “We know there is a rich resource of talent amongst Hexagon’s residents. The Board requires a broad range of skills, alongside their experience of living in social housing. What is important is that you want to work with us to build a resilient organisation that delivers good services to Hexagon residents.”

You can see a list of skills required in the July issue of Home News. (If you have not yet received your copy, you can download one here).

If you want to apply, but would like to receive more information before making a decision, CEO Sheron Carter and Board Member, Mark Allan will be hosting two online events on Thursday, 25th July at 1:30pm and Wednesday, 31st July at 6:30pm. Please email or telephone 020 8778 6699 if you are interested in attending either of these sessions.

Of course if you simply wish to apply for the role now, further details including the application form can be found here. The deadline for the receipt of applications is Sunday, 11th August 2024.

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