Residents’ Repairs Group

Are you interested in helping improve repairs at Hexagon for everyone? If so, becoming a Repairs Group Volunteer might just be for you….

We’re looking for new member to join the Repairs Group – it is a resident-led group that is dedicated to improving overall performance of the responsive repairs service and making sure the resident voice is heard. Members meet every couple of months (usually online) and work closely with the Responsive Repairs Manger, Gilmartins and others to hold us to account. As well as involvement in procurement and contractor meetings. The group leads on what’s most important to focus on for residents, scrutinising performance and tracking recommendations to help improve how the service works for everyone.

You’ll be fully supported, and we’ll provide a range of volunteer benefits including training opportunities, volunteer get-togethers, thankyous, updates and more. Does this spark your interest? Want to find out more? Please just get in touch, you can email or phone 0203 3892 4751 and ask for Amanda.


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