In March and April 2024, we asked you what was important to consider in the Rechargeable Repairs Policy and how it could work best for you.
Many thanks to everyone who gave your feedback – 24 residents provided 90 comments on the in-progress policy and this is vital to reflect resident need. All your input been considered and responses provided.
Below you can find a summary of the most common feedback and Hexagon’s responses. As well as more detailed information.
The policy has now been finalised and can be found here. We’ll continue to learn lessons from how the policy works in practice to inform future reviews.
What are Rechargeable Repairs?
Summary feedback & responses
These will be included in the list of rechargeable repairs that Hexagon will carry out. For clarity, residents are welcome to choose who they would like to do works that they are responsible for, this policy provides an additional option to go via Hexagon.
This is acceptable and will be included as part of the policy.
There would need to be some upfront charge to ensure commitment to pay for the work, however the repayment plan will be worked out with the individual and informed by an income and expenditure assessment, so it is realistic and acceptable to all.
This policy is working to support this aim providing an alternative, easily accessible, option; due to economies of scale it is expected to be cost-effective. We are also working on a project to get support residents who may have particular needs and we will consider this as part of this project – due in November 2024.
A resident version of the final policy will be available on the website, including how to access alternate formats. There will also be communication to raise awareness of the finalised policy. Furthermore, key information from policies will be included in the new Resident Handbook & Website – this is a live project due for completion March 2025.
Once the policy is finalised, a procedure guide will be written for staff and the relevant information for residents will be incorporated into the new Resident Handbook / Website project. We will also work to ensure that those who receive repairs requests are fully aware.
Where notice is given Hexagon will do a pre-termination inspection. We also do tenancy audits to monitor the condition of a selection of properties, however it is acknowledged that there is opportunity to do more. We also have a former tenant arrears recovery process. Wherever possible the tenant responsible will be recharged, however, there are occasional cases where former tenants cannot be traced.
More info
Click here if you’d like to see a detailed tracker of all consultation feedback and responses from Hexagon (this is a PDF document that will open in a new tab)