Residents & the Environment

Residents have told us that energy efficiency of new and existing homes should be our top priority for helping to protect the environment.







Small changes can save you money and help the environment at the same time. Simply view the videos above for lots of useful tips.

Hexagon can help by topping up your loft insulation. Please contact our Stock Improvement Administrator on 020 8768 7974 if you would like to speak to someone about this.

We have also started to draught-proof windows and doors as part of the cyclical decorations programme. We install double glazing when windows are due for renewal.

You can save money by checking your fuel bills: find out how here.

Other good ideas can be found in our Home News publications:

Why not try our Green Quiz, as published in Home News?

Here are the Top 10 Tips to save at home:

1. Use the microwave
2. Fill the fridge, dishwasher and washing machine – and always wash at 30 degrees/economy cycle
3. Lag your tank and set the thermostat to 60 degrees
4. Take a short shower, not a long bath
5. Fit thick, lined curtains, close them at dusk and tuck behind radiators
6. Fit draft excluders around all windows, doors and letterboxes
7. Set your thermostat to 18 degrees
8. Close doors and use individual room thermostatic radiator valves
9. Don’t dry clothes over radiators
10. Turn appliances off – don’t leave them all on stand-by

You can read more in our ‘Climate change and You‘ leaflet.

Now that summer is finally here, it is important for you to ensure you keep well in the heat. The NHS has specific advice on how best to keep cool in hot weather and you can read more about this here.