The pressures of day-to-day living are tougher than ever. You’ve got to pay the rent, maybe you need to find money for a new cooker, not to forget the gas and electric needs to be paid – if there is anything left. Then there’s the food shop, but then that means you might have to miss your council tax or water payment or maybe you won’t pay your rent?!
Perhaps the stress is keeping you awake at night, affecting your energy and well-being. Maybe you’ve stopped meeting friends because your money worries are making you anxious and you don’t have the money to do anything anyway.
If this has been your life for months, and now you feel like you’re in a place of no return. Please reach out and ask for help.
Remember that old BT catch phrase – “it’s good to talk”, so take that 1st step, pick up the phone and see what help is available.
Rent is a priority debt, call 020 8778 6699 or email us if you’re not ready to talk, just yet.
Talk with your customer accounts officer, let them know you are struggling, see if a realistic payment plan can be made.
Do a benefits calculator, you may be eligible to support such as a Discretionary Housing Payment. Most people struggle with money worries or debt for a year before they ask for help. By then it might be too late. Don’t let this be you, reach out sooner and get the help you deserve.
Need to talk – helpful free phone numbers and links (click the name to be directed to the website)
Samaritans: call 116 123
Domestic Violence Hotline: 0808 2000 247
Mind UK: 0300 123 3393