If you are planning to be away from your home for longer than six weeks, it is important that you let us know.
Reasons for Absence
We understand that, for all sorts of genuine reasons, residents may need to be away from their home for longer than the usual holiday – some examples might be: a stay in hospital, a work contract, time at university in another part of the country, time in prison or tending to a sick relative. As long as your tenancy address remains your main home there will be no difficulty, but we need some information from you before you leave.
Let us Know
Please contact your Housing Officer for more information and for the form that you need to complete. We will need to know the dates for the period you will be away and the name and contact details of someone who will act as key-holder in your absence and whom we can contact in an emergency – for example, to deal with a water or gas leak in the property.
Rent Payments While you are Away
Arrangements must be made for the rent to be paid, as usual, throughout the period of absence. Payments can be made by direct debit or by using your Allpay payment card. It is important to bear in mind that JSA and Housing Benefit entitlement may be affected by an absence from the property, and if you plan to be away you should discuss the situation with the Housing Benefit Department and DWP. We can give more advice on rent payments and Housing Benefit.
Occupation of Your Property While you are Away
We will not usually give permission for someone else to occupy your home while you are away. If you have special reasons for requesting permission for a friend or family member to stay in your home, let us have full details in writing. We will treat each case on its own merits.
If you Don’t let us Know that you will be Away
If we are not kept informed of your whereabouts, we may treat the property as abandoned, or sub-let, and start legal proceedings for repossession. It is in your own interest to let us know what your plans are.