Click Here to Pay Your Rent Online Now
Paying your rent is your most important responsibility with respect to your tenancy. We need your rent to manage and maintain your home. Without the rent paid by our tenants we cannot pay for repairs to your home, pay our staff, maintain our offices or repay the loans we use to build or buy our properties.
How to Pay your Rent
Your Tenancy Agreement says that rent is due weekly or monthly in advance. You can choose which method of payment suits you best.
Direct debit
If you have a bank account, the best way of paying is by weekly or monthly Direct Debit. We can calculate the monthly figure for you. Please phone the Customer Services Centre if you would like to pay this way. We can set the Direct Debit up over the phone.
At a post office
We will send you an Allpay rent payment card. You can use this to pay your rent by cash or cheque at any post office. You will be given a receipt by the post office.
At any shop showing the PayPoint sign
Using your plastic payment card, you can make payments in cash at any shop showing the PayPoint sign. The shop will give you a receipt.
By telephone
If you have a credit or debit card you can pay your rent over the telephone by calling 0844 557 8321. Please make sure you have your rent payment card handy when you call.
By text message
If you have a mobile phone you can register to pay your rent by text message. For more information, and to register your details, go to
Via the Internet
You can pay using your debit or credit card by logging on to and clicking the ‘make a payment’ button. Please make sure you have your rent payment card handy. Click here to pay your rent online.
At our offices
If you prefer, you can send or bring a cheque to our offices in Sydenham. We cannot accept cash and would prefer you to pay by direct debit or using your rent payment card.
Housing Benefit
If you are entitled to full or part Housing Benefit, payments will normally be sent straight to us. If you are only entitled to part Housing Benefit, it may be paid directly to you and you will need to make your own payments by direct debit or by using your rent payment card.
If you are having Problems Paying your Rent
It is very important that you let us know straight away if you are having trouble paying your rent. We can advise you on your entitlement to state benefits, and help you fill in the necessary forms.
We can refer you for debt counselling if you have other debts.
We understand that there may be times when you genuinely have difficulties paying your rent. We will listen to the reasons you give us, and can make an arrangement with you for you to make up any missed payments of rent by instalments; however, we expect you to clear any arrears as quickly as possible.
How you can Check your Rent Account Balance
Rent statements are available upon request and you can ask our Customer Services Centre to send you a statement at any time, or you can get a balance over the phone. (We will ask some security questions first.)
We will send a statement of account with most of our letters to you about rent arrears.
You can register to see your rent statement online using ‘seemydata‘. Contact our Customer Services Centre on 020 8778 6699 to register. You will be sent a password that will enable you to see your rent account online.
If you do not Pay your Rent
We will do all we can to help you if you fall behind with your rent payments, but it is vital that we collect rent from our tenants in order to maintain the service we provide as a landlord. If you persistently fail to pay your rent on time, or if you do not keep to an arrangement you have made to make up missed payments, we will follow our procedure to recover arrears.
We will:
- Remind you by letter that rent payments have been missed.
- Try to contact you to discuss the arrears, if you do not contact us first.
- Serve a Notice of Seeking Possession to warn you that legal proceedings may be started.
- Give you a written warning and a final opportunity to make up any payments you have missed before applying to court.
- Get a Possession Order from the County Court with a Money Judgement for the arrears and an order for the costs of the proceedings. The costs will be added to your rent arrears.
- Give you written warning before applying to the court for your eviction, and give you a final opportunity to bring your payments back in line with the Court Order.
- Get the approval of our Director before applying for your eviction.
- Evict you if you do not keep to the terms of the Possession Order.
- Use debt collectors, if necessary, to collect the money you owe us if you leave the property.