Performance Review Group (PRG)

The Performance Review Group.

Are you interested!

You are an expert of lived experience as a Hexagon resident, so extremely valuable, therefore, the PRG desire that you apply for one of the vacant member positions.

What do you get?

  • To influence the decision making throughout Hexagon
  • As a member of the PRG your collective voice has contact to the Board
  • Learn new skills
  • Satisfaction of knowing that you have helped to improve services to residents
  • Attend an annual thank you event
  • Meet other like-minded Hexagon residents

What is the PRG? 

The PRG is a diverse group of Hexagon residents who are critical partners in holding Hexagon to account and make recommendations directly to the Board or its subcommittee, the Customer Services Committee.

What does the PRG do?

The PRG scrutinise Hexagon’s performance data of its services to residents against performance indicators statistics and benchmarking data against other similar sized housing associations.  The group meet four times a year, three online and one in person  at Hexagon.  The group continuously review the impact of their work.

What are the aims of the PRG?

As a primary resident agent for scrutinising Hexagon’s service performance, the PRG:

  • will ensure that resident’s priorities are central,
  • will be a vehicle for continuous service improvement,
  • will take an independent view and monitor its recommendations for a 360 degree in feedback to embed sustainable outcomes.

The role is open to all adult Hexagon residents of age of 18 years and above.

Interested?  Email – or call Customer Services on 0208 778 6699 and ask for the RaVE team.

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