Ways to get involved with Hexagon

Did you know that as a Hexagon resident, you can get involved to help analyse and improve Hexagon services?

There are many ways to get involved, so hopefully there’s something that’s right for everyone. Current and upcoming activities are below – take a look and get in touch if you’re interested or would like to find out more.

Strategic Groups
These groups review policy or performance and hold Hexagon to account across a rang service areas; making recommendations on how service delivery can be improved. Groups include:.

  • Performance Review Group (PRG): Considers Hexagon performance in key areas of the service.
  • Repairs Group: A group dedicated to improving repairs performance.
  • Resident Inspectors: Detailed investigations into selected service areas.
  • Policy & You: online consultation and feedback form .
  • Disability Inclusion Group (DIG): Drills down into services to identify and highlight areas for disability inclusion and service improvements.  The group is looking at ways of inclusion for more residents’ voices to be heard.
  • Board Member: There are four Board places for residents which are recruited when a vacancy becomes available (at least every three years).


Local Estate involvement
These groups have a day to day impact on the lives of Hexagon residents. Keeping an eye on the standards in Hexagon properties and making recommendations for improvement. Groups include:

  • Estate Champions: Our eyes on the ground, by reporting any communal issues where you live on a regular basis.
  • Estate Grading Team: Spot-checks on the standard of our estates and making recommendations for improvements.
  • Design Panel: Residents’ input into design plans for our new-build homes.


Shaping the content of Hexagon publications, how they look and to help make sure they communicate clearly.

  • Reader’s Panel: Reviewing design and content in Hexagon’s quarterly magazine, Home News.
  • Annual Report Group: Influencing design and content in the resident Annual Report.
  • Volunteer journalist: You can volunteer to help us with our website and all publications.


Specific engagement projects

  • Focus groups: One-off discussions to give your views on new policies, services, or strategies that are in development and affect the service we deliver to you.
  • Surveys: Complete a one off short survey to share your views.
  • Sustainability hub: Working in partnership deliver sustainable housing and reach Net Zero Carbon by 2050 through a range if initiatives, a strategy core group, discussion forum and green champions.
  • Neighbourhood events: From time to time we’ll pop-up in your neighbourhood for a day to enjoy and find out what matters most to you and your neighbours.
  • The Big Conversation: From time to time we’ll pop-up in your neighbourhood and knock on your door to find out you what you think and get your suggestions to improve.