We are able to offer support to residents who need help to maintain their tenancies. This may be just for a short period to deal with a temporary difficulty, or for a longer period to help with ongoing concerns where you may be at risk of losing your home. Our Neighbourhood Officers can advise on most tenancy matters and our Financial Inclusion team is available to assist residents with issues relating to benefits. If more support is needed, our Housing Sustainment Officer has links to outside organisations who provide additional support.
If you feel that you need more support, please discuss this with your Neighbourhood Officer. If appropriate, and with your agreement, they will make a referral to the Housing Sustainment Officer. This service provides short-term, intensive support and the Housing Sustainment Officer can signpost you to long-term support services if required. The Housing Sustainment Officer will contact you to discuss your support needs and agree an action plan. They will also make arrangements to keep in touch on a regular basis that suits you.
The Housing Sustainment Officer can help with:
Domestic Abuse: Referral to domestic abuse specific agencies e.g. women’s refuge, local and national support groups, local multi agency working groups, general advice e.g. obtaining a police injunction, assistance in completing transfer application and referral to Pan-London Reciprocal scheme and arranging sanctuary measures for safety in the home.
Mental Health: Referral to mental health services e.g. community mental health teams, charities eg MIND and other appropriate health services.
Drugs and Alcohol: Referral to local drug agencies, eg Human Kindness and other charities, and health services
Hoarding: Referral to local hoarding panels and support agencies eg Clouds End, fire safety advice, and safeguarding referrals
Physical Disability: Referral for tailored support, occupational health services and Hexagon’s Aids and Adaptations service, advice on housing options
People experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect: Working with local social services and safeguarding teams.
Where there is a risk of eviction ie due to rent arrears or anti-social behaviour and the tenant has additional support needs: Referrals to appropriate support agencies
Gas safety checks/unable to access home to complete essential repairs: Liaison with Hexagon’s repairs, gas safety and fire safety teams to see whether extra help or support is needed so the works can be completed.
Who can Access the Service?
The service is available to Hexagon Housing tenants who are:
- Going through a temporary period of personal difficulty.
- Not receiving a support service from any other support provider.
- Need additional support due to poor mental or physical health, substance misuse, age, learning disabilities, leaving care or an institution, holding a tenancy for the first time.
How Long does the Service Last?
The service is only for people with temporary or short-term difficulties. If you have long-term or permanent support needs we will signpost you to a relevant agency. The service normally lasts as long as needed to help through a period of temporary difficulty; this is usually several months or can be longer depending on your needs.
Is it Confidential?
The service is confidential and the Housing Sustainment Officer will not discuss what goes on between him/her and the tenant with anyone – including Hexagon staff – without the tenant’s permission. The only exception to this is where there is an immediate risk to your safety or anyone else is concerned.
I Think the Service Might be able to Help me. What Should I do Next?
If you think you need additional support to manage your tenancy, get in touch with our Customer Services Team or your Neighbourhood Officer on 020 8778 6699 or customer_desk@hexagon.org.uk.