Sub-letting means renting out your home to someone else while you live elsewhere. Your lease has a section on sub-letting which is summarised here.
Shared Owners
Shared owners are not allowed to sub-let their properties. This is because shared ownership is intended as an affordable first step towards buying a property, not an opportunity to let out the property.
In extreme circumstances we may give you permission to sub-let your property for a short period, but you will need to give us full reasons and get our permission in writing.
You may take in a lodger to share your property with you. This is not classed as sub-letting and may be a useful source of income. You will be responsible for the behaviour of your lodger.
Hexagon will take action against shared-owners who are found to be sub-letting without permission.
If you own your property then you do not need permission to sub-let it, but you should let us know. We will need your forwarding address so that correspondence and notices relating to your lease can be sent to you. We will also need the contact details for your tenants and a copy of their Tenancy Agreement. You will be responsible for the behaviour of your tenants, and liable for payment of the service charge and ensuring that the lease is complied with.