- No matter which way you contact us, we aim to provide you with a high-quality, personal service that is prompt and courteous.
- We will ensure that all staff are fully trained to give you the help and advice you need. All our staff carry identity cards and will identify themselves in communications with you.
Telephone Calls
- You can telephone us between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm Monday–Friday, except bank holidays.
- Emergency Repairs can be reported at anytime on 0800 393338 and repairs can be reported on this line between 8.00am and 5.00pm.
- Our Customer Services Centre will be your first point of contact and they will try to deal with most of your calls, or will out you through to the right person. We will email a message to the person you need if they are unavailable.
- We aim to deal with most queries when you ring up
- If we cannot deal with your query straight away, we will aim to ring you back within 24 hours. If this is not going to be possible we will tell you.
- We will keep trying to contact you.
Letters, Faxes and Emails
- We will reply to your written enquiries, including emails within 10 working days (15 days if it is a complaint which needs investigating)
- If you send several emails in succession, we will acknowledge them but we will aim to reply to them all with one response, so there may not be an individual response to each email
- We will reply to written enquiries from your solicitor, when it concerns a conveyancing matter,within 5 working days (subject to payment of the appropriate fee).
- We will use plain English
- We will use a type size that is easy to read.
- We will translate documents and letters or provide them in large print or Braille on request.
Leaseholder Services
- We will consult you before carrying out major work or entering into service contracts above a certain level.
- We will inspect all communal areas of the property once a month and residents will be invited to take part in these inspections once a quarter.
- We will provide you with annual audited service charge accounts.
- We will send you a quarterly rent/service charge statement pertaining to your own property.
Resident’s Meetings
We will meet with a Residents Association, or group of residents once a year, on request. Any further meetings may incur an extra charge on the Service Charge account.
Interpreting, Translating and Information
- We will provide an interpreting service when you ask for it.
- We will provide key documents in your first language if you have requested this.
- We will provide other documents in a language of your choice, on tape or CD, in Braille or in large print within a reasonable length of time, where there is an identified need.
- If you ask us to send you a leaflet or a form we will put it in the next post, or email it to you.