Hexagon appoints new Operations Director

Earlier this year we restructured the senior leadership team, which included replacing the roles of Property Services Director and Housing Services Director, with an Operations Director. This will ensure we have a single directing voice for all customer services. Support will be provided by newly created Head of Property Services and Head of Housing Services […]

Getting to know our residents

So that we can make sure our services meet your needs and you’re getting the most out of your tenancy with us, we would like your help in collecting relevant information via a questionnaire. The purpose of the questionnaire is to get to know you and the people that live with you. Gathering this information […]

Diversity Training Event

Last month, Hexagon hosted a training event for all of our key partners who provide services for the Responsive Repairs, Stock Improvement, Property Safety and Development departments. The event was held at the Bromley Court Hotel in South East London. The aim of the event was to share the latest good practice in meeting the […]

How have you found the new repairs service?

Meet Gilmartins and share your feedback to inform improvements. July 2023 will be the 1 year anniversary of Gilmartins being Hexagon’s main repairs contractor and we want to hear from all residents how it’s been going for you – what’s worked well and what hasn’t? Your feedback will help inform the 1 year contract review […]

What counts as Antisocial Behaviour?

Take a listen to the first Housing Voices mini-podcast with Melonie Wheatle, Antisocial Behaviour Officer. We discuss what counts as Antisocial Behaviour (ASB) and what doesn’t. Plus, strategies to deal with it, looking at one of the most common issues raised, noise, as an example. For more detailed information and Hexagon’s policies on ASB, click here

Would you like to be a Resident Scrutiny Inspector?

Do you like to scratch beneath the surface and understand how things really work? If so, Resident Inspection might just be for you… We’re looking for new members to join the Resident Scrutiny Inspection Team. Each year you will choose a priority aspect of Hexagon’s services to investigate in-depth – interviewing staff and contractors, reviewing […]

Complaint Handling Failure Orders

In March, the Housing Ombudsman issued its quarterly report. During the period October 2022 to December 2022, Hexagon Housing Association were issued with two complaint handling failure orders. We were non-compliant as we failed to comply within the target timescales. Hexagon accepts that we did not respond as swiftly as we promised. The introduction of […]

Changes to the Neighbourhood Services Team

Following a recent review of our Neighbourhood Services structure, we have made some amendments, which will take effect from 6 March 2023. Part of the re-structure means you may be allocated a different Neighbourhood Officer to the one you are used to working with.  We know change can sometimes be unsettling, but we want to […]

Repairs notifications apology

It has been brought to our attention that when raising an order, Gilmartins’ repair system has sometimes generated multiple appointments and text messages to our customers. A glitch in the system meant that some residents were sent 5-6 appointments for one repair. We would like to apologise for any inconvenience that this glitch has caused […]