Financially Hard Times – discussion sessions

On Wednesday 8th February 2023 we held two discussion sessions for residents with Sheron Carter, Chief Executive – to share views and find out our thoughts on how Hexagon can manage the financial hard times moving forward. Thanks to everyone who attended and contributed some really valuable ideas and feedback. Putting customers at the heart, […]

Recognising damp and mould in your home

The death of two year old Awaab Ishak in 2020 has put the spotlight on how we deal with condensation, damp and mould. Awaab died after prolonged exposure to mould in his housing association home in Rochdale. Condensation occurs when humid air touches a cold surface. Fogged, streaming windows, black mould and musty smells are […]

Residents Review Neighbourhood Estate Inspections

Each year the Resident Inspection Team carry out detailed independent investigation into one of Hexagon’s service areas. This year, the Inspection Team chose to scrutinise the Neighbourhood Estate Inspection service to assess if it was working effectively from a resident perspective and to agreed standards. The inspection was in-depth and included shadowing an Estate Inspection, […]

Hexagon’s Big Conversation Events

Hexagon are planning to get out into the sunshine and speak with some of you in the first two weeks of September.  All staff will be out knocking on doors to check how residents are getting on after the pandemic and to ask a few questions and give you some information.  So watch out for […]

Gilmartins is the new repairs service contractor

In July, Gilmartins partnered with us to provide customers with a responsive repairs service. So, if you need to report a repair to your home or a communal area, please call Gilmartins on Freephone number: 0808 178 6785 or email: After Gilmartins have completed a repair(s) in your home, if we have your mobile […]

Update re: EWS1 Forms

We issued guidance in relation to EWS1 forms in August 2021. We are aware that a number of resident shared owners / leaseholders, continue to encounter issues in purchasing, staircasing, re-selling or re-mortgaging, as a result of lenders’ ongoing concerns about the safety of buildings and their general requirement to be provided with an EWS1 […]

Let’s keep each other safe!

In follow up to the ongoing Grenfell Enquiry, the government have issued revised guidance, made legal changes, have proposed new laws and are in the process of setting up a new enforcement regime. The aim of this is to increase scrutiny on housing providers and reduce the risk to residents. Our part of the deal […]

Government’s Right to Buy Announcement

On 9th June 2022, the Prime Minister confirmed his plans to extend the Right to Buy to housing association tenants. So far the government haven’t given Hexagon or other housing associations any more detail.  The proposals confirmed so far are: 2.5 million housing association tenants will be given the right to buy in an extension […]

Hexagon Board Member awarded OBE

Hexagon Board Member, Ruth Chambers, has been awarded an OBE as part of the Queen’s Birthday Honours List in recognition of her ‘services to the environment’. Ruth, a Senior Fellow for Greener UK and Green Alliance, has been a Board Member for over seven years and is Lead Board Member for Community Investment and HR. […]

Rent increase letters – A message to our customers

Residents would have recently received rent increase letters for 2022. We are really sorry that there appears to be some errors with our rent increase letters this year that has affected some customers. The team are busy working to resolve the issues and we will be in touch with those customers affected in the next […]