Do you have a housing enquiry? You can contact us in any of the following ways. Your query will be passed on to the person who is best able to deal with it.
By Phone
All calls are answered by trained Customer Services staff, who will normally be the only people you need to talk to.
Repairs Freephone – 0800 393 338. To report a new repair, including Emergency repairs, or check on an outstanding repair, call this number. The line is staffed from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm, Monday–Friday. Call this number at any time. Outside normal office hours, a recorded message will give you further information.
General enquiries – 020 8778 6699. For all enquiries, problems, and complaints. The line is staffed from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, Monday–Friday.
By Post
Hexagon Housing Association
130–136 Sydenham Road
London SE26 5JY
Please include your name and address.
By E-mail
By fax: 020 8676 7811