Paying your rent on time and in full is the best way to ensure you do not run into difficulties with your finances. It also means that we can carry out our obligations as a responsible landlord to you and every other tenant.
The links below explain in more detail:
- How to pay your rent.
- How Hexagon rents are calculated (Assured tenancies only).
- How Hexagon service charges are calculated (Assured tenancies only).
- How to access free money advice services.
StepChange Debt Charity is the UK’s leading charity aimed at helping people overcome their debt problems. They offer a range of solutions such as individual voluntary agreements (IVAs) or debt management plans (DMPs) and can advise on how to deal with a bailiff or a county court judgement (CCJ).
Why not take their 60-second debt test to see how they can help?
This leaflet provides some advice on arrears. If you are having problems paying your rent, please talk to us!