Asbestos is a naturally occurring product. It was used extensively in the UK during post war house building. UK Asbestos use started to be phased out in the 1980’s and was fully banned in 1999.
Whilst asbestos can no longer be brought into the UK, vast amounts of asbestos remain in many buildings. Building owners are required by law to ensure that asbestos risks within their properties are managed. Asbestos products that are in good condition present a negligible risk to health.
Asbestos in our buildings is managed by our Property Safety Team, who are happy to answer any concerns that you have. You can contact the team on 020 8778 6699 or via
If you wish to report an issue with asbestos, please complete the Asbestos Reporting Form here and email it to
Further information
Information and guidance on asbestos is available from the HSE (Health and Safety Executive) on their website here.
For details of what to do in an emergency, you can follow the Asbestos reporting flow chart here.
You can make a report using the Asbestos Reporting Form here.
To report an asbestos issue out of hours to our maintenance contractor Gilmartins on 0808 178 6785.
Damage to asbestos must be reported immediately.