Home News

Download the latest edition here: Home News – Summer

Home News is the newsletter for Hexagon residents and is produced on a quarterly basis. The newsletter is sent out to all Hexagon residents by email and on the website, but residents can opt to have it sent to them directly by contacting our Customer Services Team on 020 8778 6699 or via email.

If you would like to contribute to the content of Home News or join the Home News’ Panel, email us.

Previous issues are below:

Home News – Summer
Home News – Spring

Home News Oct 23
Home News  Spring 2023
Home News Jan 2023

Home News Oct 2022
Home News Jul 2022
Home News Apr 2022
Home News Jan 2022

Home News Oct 2021
Home News Jul 2021
Home News Apr 2021
Home News Jan 2021

Home News Oct 2020
Home News Jul 2020
Home News Apr 2020
Home News Jan 2020