Here you can find links to volunteer benefits and project-specific resources for some the different activities and volunteer groups (page in progress).
Join MyMindPal
Volunteers have free access to MyMindPal, an App/Website which is full of simple exercises, tools and techniques that match your mental fitness needs.
Find out more here →
Become a Resident Member of TPAS for free
The Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) promote, support and champion tenant involvement and empowerment in social housing across England. Hexagon became a member of TPAS in late 2023, part of the membership package includes the opportunity for volunteers to become a Resident Member of TPAS. Benefits include free virtual and in person member only events throughout the year, advice on engagement issues, tenant networking groups and more.
Find out more here →
As well as providing training for volunteer groups and activities, we also provide links to a range of training opportunities and run specific training on key areas of interest. Please let us know if you have any ideas.
Recognition Event & socials
Each year we hold a recognition event to say thank you to all our wonderful volunteers! Where we can in between we’ll have occasional days-out/socials to get to know other volunteers.
Hearing The Customer Voice
Hexagon is working towards increasing the opportunities for residents to provide feedback on the services they receive. This will allow a rich source of data to be gained, enabling themes of concerns to be identified and actions agreed to address these. This will require the development of constructive dialogue to help drive up performance.
Hearing The Customer Voice – is a new emerging area and picks up on feedback received from Repairs Group and Performance Review Group on the importance of ‘hearing the customer voice’ alongside performance data.
See the draft document
Free data sims
We have partnered with the National Databank to offer free data sims. The sims are available for use by you or a household member to access the internet.
Find out more here →
Project-specific resources (in progress)
Below, take a look back at what resident volunteers got up to in 2022.