Report a Repair

To report a repair, please ring Gilmartins on Freephone 0808 178 6785 or email

You can view your repairs history on MyHexagon.

For anything relating to gas and heating repairs, please call our contractors, Smith & Byford, on Freephone number 0800 088 4433 or 020 8722 3434 . They are open 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

It is Hexagon’s responsibility to carry out most repairs to the outside of your home, the main structure and communal areas. We also cover standard fittings, such as kitchen, bathrooms and heating systems that we have provided within your home, along with the systems for supplying gas, electricity and water. We are also responsible for floors, ceiling and plastering, and will ‘make good’ internal decorations after carrying out repairs.

There are various minor repairs that you are responsible for. These include:

• Unblocking sinks, hand basins and baths.
• Small repair jobs such as broken glass, electrical fuses and replacing toilet seats.
• Fitting new locks if you lose your keys (if keys are stolen we will replace locks if you have a crime number from the police).
• Damage caused by you, someone living with you or a visitor.
• Internal doors (except fire doors), internal door latches and locks, handles, hinges, keys and rubber door stops.
• Replacing cupboard catches, handles and hinges.
• Plugs and chains to sinks, hand basins and baths.
• Accidental damage to sinks and toilets.
• Replacing broken glass in windows and doors, unless it is criminal damage (you will need to provide an official crime number from the police).
• Decorating the inside of your home.
• Replacing door bell and smoke alarm batteries and testing smoke alarms.
• TV aerials, apart from shared ones.
• Replacing bulbs, fluorescent light tubes or starter switches, unless they are in shared areas.
• Anything that you have fitted to your home, inside or outside.
• Any non-standard items that were given to you at the start of your tenancy.
• Plumbing to washing machines or dishwashers.
• Draught exclusion to doors and windows.
• Minor plaster cracks and gaps between skirting boards and floors.
• Adapting doors for carpets.
• Bleeding radiators.
• Repairing/replacing tidy-dryers, washing lines, etc.
• Shelving and curtain rails.
• Gardening (unless covered by service charge).
• Pest control not covered by statute.
• Window locks.
• Broken glass inside your home.
• Floor tiles/lino.
• Small cracks to plaster.

In some circumstances we may do some of this work for you if you are elderly, disabled, or have children aged under 5 in your household.